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Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Part 12~Hora Efrochim~Hora L'Agadati

The final dance performed in our series is called Hora L'Agadati. The name is derived from one of Israel's most popular citizens, Baruch Kauschenski-Agadati, known for bringing Folk Dance "from the street to the stage".

Baruch Kauschenski-Agadati was a Russian-Israeli classical ballet dancer, choreographer, painter, film producer and director. Born in Bessarabia, and raised in Odessa, he made Aliyah in the early 1900's where he attended the Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design in Jerusalem. Agadati went on to become a key personality of the Israeli arts world and one of the pioneers of cinema in Israel.

We hope you have enjoyed watching some of Israel's brightest young people in action. Regardless of what you may hear or think about Israel, life does go on each day~people go to work, they laugh, they cry, and our children dance...!

Part 12 of 12~Hora Efrochim~Hora L'Agadati

Bitte entschuldigen Sie die schlechte Übersetzung, sind wir nicht Deutsch sprechen
Der letzte Tanz in unserer Serie durchgeführt nennt Hora L'Agadati. Der Name stammt von einer der beliebtesten Bürger Israels, Baruch Kauschenski-Agadati, für die Erhebung Folk Dance "von der Straße auf die Bühne" bekannt sind, abgeleitet.  Baruch Kauschenski-Agadati, war ein russisch-israelischen klassisches Ballett Tänzer, Choreograph, Maler-, Film-Produzent und Regisseur. Geboren in Bessarabien, und aufgewachsen in Odessa, machte er Aliyah in der Zeit um 1900, wo er an der Bezalel Akademie für Kunst und Design in Jerusalem. Agadati fuhr fort, eine wichtige Persönlichkeit der israelischen Kunst weltweit und zählt zu den Pionieren des Kinos in Israel geworden. Wir hoffen, Sie haben genossen, einige der begabtesten jungen Menschen Israels in Aktion. Unabhängig davon, was Sie hören oder denken über Israel, das Leben ist an jedem Tag gehen~Menschen zur Arbeit zu gehen, sie lachen, weinen sie, und unsere Kinder tanzen ...! 

Teil 12 von 12~Hora Efrochim~Hora L'Agadati

Wednesday, June 06, 2012

The Munich Massacre at The 1972 Olympics~Remember !

Ankie Spitzer Views Room Where Husband was Murdered
We wrote HERE about the Munich Massacre that took place at the 1972 Olympic Games when "Palestinian" Terrorists brutally murdered Eleven Israeli Athletes. Since then, Ankie Spitzer, the widow of murdered athlete, Andrei Spitzer, along with families of the athletes, has lobbied for a single minute of silence to be observed during the Olympics opening ceremony. They Have NOT Been Successful.  The IOC claims any recognition would politicize the games, however, their refusal is based in the fact that they do not want to offend the Arab Muslim world. Once again, it seems that terror will win the day.

In an article in Commentary Magazine, titled "Ignoring Munich Massacre Reminds Olympics are Pure Baloney", senior online editor and blogger, Jonathan S, Tobin provides an insight into what he terms the "popular mythology" of the "moral" value of Olympic sports and the hypocrisy of the IOC. He states:

...Though we will hear much about the “Olympic Spirit” during the endless promotion of this event, it is and always has been a gigantic fraud that has always preferred to appease tyrants and ignore crimes in the pursuit of building a global business brand...

...The reason for this refusal is clear. Any reminder of that historic crime would offend the vast majority of member nations that participate in the Games who don’t want any mention of an event that puts the Palestinians in a bad light.

The families will not give up. They have a website dedicated to this cause, and are hoping to persuade the Olympics to recognize the 40th anniversary of the tragedy this summer at the 2012 Olympics in London.

The First video below is Ankie Spitzer's appeal and request for everyone to sign a petition asking for "Just One Minute". Do Go to the LINK and read the STORY learn about the petition and then Please Sign The Petition! Your privacy will be protected as there is an option to NOT have your name displayed.
Bios of Athletes at Munich 11

The Second video is probably the best and most truthful coverage of that horrible day. It contains original footage, comments from news casters, police, and the families of the eleven athletes. You will see WHY the attempt to stop the terrorists failed! Do take time to watch the entire film~listen to the families of the victims, including the daughter of Ankie and Andrei Spitzer~as they speak of their motive for asking for this small honour.

05 September 1972~Palestinian Terrorists from the Black September group disguised themselves as athletes and crept into the Israeli quarters.They said their operation was backed by PLO Chairman and Fatah leader Yasser Arafat. Five of the eight members of Black September were killed by police officers during a failed rescue attempt. The three surviving terrorists were captured, but RELEASED shortly after by West Germany following the Black September hijacking of a Lufthansa airliner. Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas, Arafat's successor as leader of Fatah, is accused of having funded Black September's terror activities, and in 2010 he eulogized Mohammed Oudeh, better known as Abu Dauod, the mastermind of the massacre.

One can only pray that the 2012 the Olympic committee and the people of the UK will decide to remember the eleven athletes who came with their hopes and dreams~dreams of peace and friendship between athletes~only to return home in coffins. The Minute of Silence would serve as a reminder that politics and the Olympic Games should never be mixed and that the "Olympic Spirit" does exist and does overcome hatred! Don't Let Terrorism and Hate Destroy the Spirit Freedom and Peace!

Ankie Spitzer's Appeal for "Just One Minute"

The Munich Massacre~Told By Those Who Were There

You can read more about this tragedy at these links:

Part 9~Hora Efrochim~Eastern Wind

Part 9 of 12~Hora Efrochim~Eastern Wind

Friday, June 01, 2012

A Meeting with Pastor Umar Mulinde in Jerusalem

Pastor Umar Mulinde~Jerusalem
On Thursday (31 May 2011), we posted Parts 1 and 2 of a moving, private meeting with Pastor Umar Mulinde and a some of the people who attended the 4th Jerusalem Assembly, including Jay and Meridel Rawlings, and Dr. Charlotte Phillips. Today we have Parts 3 and 4 for your viewing.

On Christmas Eve 2011, the young Pastor of a Church in Uganda, (Pastor Umar Mulinde) was the victim of a cowardly terror attack~because he chose to leave Islam for Christianity. More than that, he openly shared his love of God and Israel with his fellow citizens! Following the attack, and fearing for his life, he contacted Jerusalem OnlineU (where he had learned about Israel) and requested to be brought to Israel for his treatment. Very quickly, calls were made, and the wheels were set in motion. Travel Visas were arranged, the wonderful doctors at Chaim Sheba Medical Center at Tel Hashomer, offered to care for him without charge and within days he was in Tel Aviv.

Evelyn & Umar Mulinde
When we first met Pastor Umar and his lovely wife Evelyn their quiet strength touched us all very deeply and they quickly became "part of the family".  This young man has suffered (and still suffers) unspeakable pain.

Pastor Umar has not had his wife by his side for the majority of this time as she had to return to Uganda where their six young children are. Rather than complain of his own situation, both Pastor Umar and his wife were concerned with how the children would react to these events. He was determined that his wife be with their children to help them deal with what had happened and not turn away from their faith in the Lord.

David said that Pastor Umar has the Heart of a Lion and we have seen this demonstrated over and over again.

In the first video clip below, Pastor Mulinde speaks to those present and in the second clip he asks for prayer and receives a blessing, then he delivers an Important Message for all in the West.

*** Part 1 and 2 from this Very Important Meeting HERE
*** Links to More Information on Pastor Mulinde are below the Videos

~ 3 ~  Lost Tribes Needed and A Request From Pastor Umar Mulinde (2:00)

~ 4 ~   Blessing and An Important Message From Pastor Umar Mulinde

Here are Links for Information on Pastor Mulinde's Amazing Story:

Chaim Sheba Rehabilitation Center  Where Pastor Mulinde is Being Treated:

4th Jerusalem Assembly~Pastor Tom Hauser~02 April 2012

Pastor Tom Hauser~Global River Church, Wilmington, NC