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Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Egypt: Christians Praying For "Divine Intervention"

In January 2011 we posted a story HERE about the Christian Zabbaleen (rubbish people) of Egypt. Born into perpetual poverty, the children leave school by age twelve to help support their families who live, eat, sleep and work their entire lives in garbage, along with rats, pigs and other animals.

Their church is a massive underground cave--excavated out of solid rock because in Egypt, only mosques get building permission. Even their tiny newspaper must be printed in secret--under a threat of imprisonment if they are caught. Young girls are kidnapped and forced to convert to Islam. Although the Coptic Christians pre-date Islam in Egypt by 600 years, and were once the majority population, systematic attacks, forcible conversion to Islam, and murder have left only a tiny fragment living in poverty and fear.

An excerpt from Bare Naked Islam's Blog highlights their situation:
In spring 2009, at the height of the global swine flu epidemic (despite the fact that no Egyptians were affected) the authorities ordered the slaughter of all pigs in Egypt. The animal played an important role in Zabaleen’s recycling enterprise, consuming the organic waste created by Cairo’s 18 million residents and tourists. As a result of this, the living situation for the Zabbaleen has become even poorer even if they continue to breed pigs, illegally.

As if things were not bad enough, the rise of the Muslim Brotherhood has fomented a growing hatred for the Christian population and unchecked attacks. Christians, like the Jews of the past are being cleansed from the middle east, yet, the UN, the Media, Human Rights Groups and the World~Yes, this includes the voice of the Christian World~remain strangely silent. One has to ask Why?

The Truth About Why the Korans Were Destroyed...

Monday, February 27, 2012

Walid Shoebat Speaks About His Life and More...

Popular speaker, Walid Shoebat has been the center of much controversy and even accused of being a fake. In all cases those who come up with "evidence that he is not what he claims to be" have been proven wrong.

Born in Bethlehem, Walid is the product of a Palestinian Muslim father and an American Christian mother. As a Muslim he hated Jews, until he married a Catholic girl and was required to do some "critical thinking". He bought a Bible for ten dollars and began reading. In the end, he embraced Christianity, and now spends his life trying to educate people.

This is rather long lecture, but I assure you, it is well worth watching. As you watch, please consider seriously what he is saying.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Gush Katif~Secure Them in Your Heart...

On Wednesday, 22 February 2012, in Brooklyn New York a fundraiser was held for the nearly ten thousand people evicted from Gush Katif. 

The families lost their homes, jobs, schools, synagogues, community~even the dead were dug up and moved.

Now, Hamas uses former synagogues as terror training camps, and fields that once grew crops are used to fire rockets into Israel. Giving up land for peace Never works! It only makes the enemy bolder as time has proven.

There were many speakers at the dinner, but here, from Arutz 7 is part of Glenn Beck's speech.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Cry No More Jerusalem~A Beautiful Song of Hope!

The Jewish singer, Yaakov Shwekey is well known in Israel, North America and indeed around the world. 

This is his latest song and it is guaranteed to touch the heart of everyone who believes that the world is in the hands of the Lord. 

The symbolism begins with the tragedy of the many terror attacks Israel has been through~while the orange wrist band (around 1:20) symbolizes the 10,000 Jews who lost their homes and livelihood when they were pulled out of Gush Katif (now occupied by terror group Hamas). I am sure that most of us identify with the suffering of broken families and the joy at the return of kidnapped soldier Gilad Shalit. Finally, with the threat of nuclear attack by Iran, the tiny pieces of paper from the Kotel (Wailing Wall), representing people who travel from around the world~to place their prayers into the cracks of the wall~rise up to the heavens...

I will leave it for you to interpret the final notes~but do make sure you have tissues on hand.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Pastor Umar Mulinde Tells of His Progress and More...

Over the past weeks we have posted stories and two touching interviews with our friend, Pastor Umar Mulinde and his lovely wife, Evelyn.

As we stated before, anyone who speaks with this man will come away changed inside. Despite the turmoil in his life, he has remained calm, straight thinking and even more devoted to his faith.

* If you want to see the earlier interviews with the pastor and his wife, Evelyn, the links are below the video.

Last week, David and Daniel went to visit the pastor and talk to him about his progress. They asked him about the issue of Bible Translators removing God and Son of God from Muslim translations of Scripture. Pastor Mulinde has a very firm opinion on this subject and explained the importance of Not changing scripture.

We are all looking forward to the complete healing of our dear friend. Refuah Shleimah...

Please Continue to Pray for 
Pastor Umar Mulinde, his lovely wife Evelyn and their six children...

Posts about Pastor Umar Mulinde:

Posts on Chaim Sheba Rehabilitation Center:

Stakelbeck on Terror with Director of the Movie Iranium

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Syrian Opposition Cleric Appeals to Israel for Help...

We all know that Syria is killing its own on a daily basis. Seemingly, the Arab League, and other Muslim organizations are not too eager to help (in any way).

The cleric being interviewed even goes as far as calling for Israel to help--but they also admit that Syria would never allow the wounded to cross over the Golan border. If there were a way, I am pretty sure that Israel would accept and treat the wounded~because that's who we are...

File this under "You Just Can't Make This Stuff Up!!
* Hat Tip to Bare Naked Islam

Friday, February 03, 2012

Indictment of the Media: If They are Wrong~People Will Die...

White House with Flag of Jihad
Earlier we posted a segment from Glenn Beck. While we do not back any one media personality, these programs that Beck presents have compelling evidence to be considered. 

Please take the time to watch the below segments Very Carefully! Look at the facts he is presenting~and has presented more than one year ago. Consider his indictment of the Media and indeed the governments of all western, freedom believing countries.

Dear Friends, we are fast running out of time. All around the world people are feeling the oppression~from beheading in Saudi Arabia, to blind people being thrown off buses in England because they use a seeing eye dog (Muslims are offended by dogs), to the recent honour killing convictions in Canada of four women because they wanted to integrate into their new country. We are in danger!  Freedom is much easier lost than gained. Imagine if you were to be arrested for prayer~or carrying a Bible or wearing a cross. No way, you are thinking? It is happening right now. Read our posts on Pastor Umar Mulinde, who is at this moment suffering horrendous pain~for his belief in God and the Scriptures! Unless we stand up Now for our freedom, we will soon be in a dark age...

Indictment of the Media~Part I

Indictment of the Media~Part II

Indictment of the Media~Part III

Indictment of the Media~Part IV

Thursday, February 02, 2012

Pastor Umar Mulinde Needs Your Prayers

David with Pastor Umar
Earlier this week David visited with Pastor Umar Mulinde in Chaim Sheba Hospital in Tel Aviv. The young pastor was quite groggy with medication, nonetheless, they were able to visit and talk together. 

If you do not know the story, the links to articles and to his interview are below. If you do nothing else, I urge you to watch the interview. Listen to Pastor Umar tell us, in his own words, of this cowardly attack, the strength of the Love of the Lord,  and his Prayer Needs. 

After the Attack
Those who attacked him, have sworn to "finish the job", and indeed there are websites (against apostasy from Islam) that are condemning this man and spreading the most evil of thoughts and comments. With all of this, Pastor Umar is determined, strong, and loyal to the Lord. His enemies operate from the darkest depths of hate, while he is standing firmly in the Light with only love in his heart!

Pastor Umar is facing more surgery, and along with it comes great pain, yet he is strong in spirit and determined to share his message of love and deep faith. We have described him as having the "Heart of a Lion" and this is brought home each time we have contact with him.

Please, listen to his story, and as we enter into the Sabbath, Pray for this amazing young man, and ask everyone you know to Join in Prayer for his healing, and protection from the dark forces who would do him more harm.

Links to Stories and Interview with Pastor Umar Mulinde:

Links to Chaim Sheba and the Amazing Work They Do:

Jerusalem~The Beating Heart of The World

This is an amazing preview of the film Jerusalem the Movie filmed in IMAX 3D. It is due to be released in 2013. To learn more go the the site HERE and read all about it. Meanwhile, grab a drink, sit back, and be amazed!

The Caliphate is Coming~The Media Lies~Beck Was Right!

Watch carefully and Think! Full story is at Sheik YerMami~Do visit his site and read carefully!

Haifa Celebrates America Day~Israelis Love America!