Over the years, Hamas has turned Gaza into a breeding ground for terror. One would think that they would fade away, considering the huge numbers they "claim" to have been "martyred". The truth is, there are endless lines of young jihadis waiting to "die for the cause". They do so because they are trained from birth to hate. They are taught that death is the only way.
"But" you may say, they are educated in "United Nations Schools", surely they will be turned away from terror? Sadly, that is not the case. It is the very schools paid for and continuously funded by the United Nations that are raising up future terrorists. The fact is, they are ready to kill and die by the time they reach grade school.
In the film below, created by David Bedein, the truth of the UNWRA schools and operations is revealed (not for the first time)~operations that are funded by the United Nations, which is funded by your tax dollars. What needs to be addressed is the billions of dollars pumped into the evil nest of barbarians called Hamas. This is Money that should be used for "real" refugees like the Yazidis, and Syrians who are under attack, starved and brutally slaughtered in the tens of thousands; or the people in Africa who are dying from Ebola~partly due to primitive conditions and the lack of funds for medicine~or for that matter, acceptable drinking water and toilet facilities.
There is no excuse for this! Over the years, UNWRA has managed to increase their refugee population from around 500,000 to almost 7 Million!! Children who are born in America and other free countries are being brought back to the middle east and registered by the PA as refugees. They are not!
Children born in Gaza are born to hate and die~they are not given allowed to think or dream of anything else. All this is funded~By Your Tax Dollars!
Consider that the employees are all Gazans, most of whom are Hamas members. Consider that there is virtually nobody to challenge the hate filled motives of Hamas. Those who do vanish very quickly. The only possible way to change this is to stop the flow of funds. Force the "benevolent" Hamas leaders to dip into the billions they have pocketed over the years and use it to build their state instead of rockets.
At about 5:00 the film examines the schools and interviews children and teachers. Please force yourself to listen~carefully~to the end. Ask yourself:
What on earth are the staff and teachers in UNWRA schools "teaching" to these children that would prompt them to make the following statements??
"We want to sent a message to Netanyahu~We will die and not surrender"
...everyone has to sacrifice their blood for their country, and they have to die as martyrs,
to die as a martyr creates a state of relaxation for the people and for the martyr's family
Q: In your school curriculum does Israel exist on the map?
A: No, it doesn't exist
Q: Do you study jihad in the UNWRA classroom?
A: Yes
Time after time the question is asked~"Why"~Why does UNWRA receive more money than all the rest of the world's refugees combined? Common sense tells us this funding of terror should be stopped.
~Is anyone listening? Apparently not!
UNWRA School Child: "With God's Help I Will Be A Martyr..."
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