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This in a country whose Queen bears the title Her Majesty Elizabeth the Second, by the Grace of God, of Great Britain, Ireland and the British Dominions beyond the Seas Queen, Defender of the Faith. The time to stop this lunacy is now!
We have been very busy this past week and regretfully, posting has been slow. There are new clips coming, but in the mean time, do enjoy this heart-warming story...
Although the tone is sarcastic, the message is somber. Free speech is fine, but this rally was full of lies, outright hatred and incitement. Canada~This is happening on your front lawn!
Last year, Israel Vision created this short film. Yad Vashem is well known for it's meticulous preservation of history.
What you may not know, is that in 2006, CFYV (Christian Friends of Yad Vashem was established to help raise awareness about the Holocaust...We must never forget...
The New York Times and Al Jazeera are spouting the same rhetoric: "Let's end all things 9/11". On the contrary, it is time the good people of America put an end to the destructive path that the pRes and the press are forcing on them...
In February 2011 a massive tumour was discovered on his spine and he underwent surgery to remove it. He has recovered and is currently considered cancer free. Though wheelchair bound he has not stopped speaking about what he believes in~he is impressive to say the least.
This is not only a wake up call for Canadians, but for everyone in the free world.
*Note: There is a brief commercial before the video starts
There are more films and pictures of 9/11 than can be watched by any one person. I chose this one, because the men and women who selflessly worked (and the many who died) to help others in this time of unspeakable horror demonstrates that "undefinable" spirit that puts America above and beyond those who dare to attack her. They may destroy buildings~take lives, but the American spirit will always rise above evil. God Bless America...Always.
The interview has now aired and many people have voiced their opinions either for~or against~Mr. Harper.
What indeed have we learned (or not learned) since that day? One has to ask if we have succumbed...which is exactly what terror is designed to make us do.
Ask yourself this: Since the brutal terror attacks of September 11, 2001~Have attacks by Islamists increased or decreased? Have our rights and freedom of expression/speech increased or decreased?
In the clip below, Brian Lilley speaks with Tarek Fatah, a Canadian political activist, author, broadcaster and a Muslim. In his opening statement he states that Prime Minister Harper is the first western leader that has come up with the clarity that has been missing in the last ten years. Please do listen~and consider what he is saying...
Prime Minister Stephen Harper tells CBC that the biggest security threat to Canada a decade after 9/11 is Islamic terrorism.
The Canadian Prime Minister was interviewed by CBC's Peter Mansbridge for The National, a program that will air in its entirety on Thursday night. Mr. Harper says Canada is safer than it was on 11 September 2001 (really~for who?), when al-Qaeda attacked the US, but that "the major threat is still Islamicism."
"When people think of Islamic terrorism, they think of Afghanistan, or maybe they think of some place in the Middle East, but the truth is that threat exists all over the world," he said, citing domestic terrorism in Nigeria.
We have posted comments by the Prime Minister before and interestingly many people are of the opinion that Mr. Harper Talks the Talk~but it stops there. I sincerely hope that Canada opens its eyes and sees the true and present danger growing in their midst...and that the Prime Minister gives more than lip-service to his country.
Ramadan this year has seen Muslims coming out in force to exercise their strength and contempt in host countries~and this they do very well. In cities all over the world they have blocked streets and prevented citizens from reaching homes, shops or places of work. Very few people stand up and protest because those who do are vilified or terrified...
Even peaceful Finland is suffering an invasion. According to a post on Tundra Tabloids, it was reported in Aamulehti that when a father brought his 2-1/2 year old to the play park it was full of Muslims who had commandeered the area for their prayers. When he took a picture with his camera it apparently caused words to be said. The park manager said asked them to stop as they were blocking the area, and this was not allowed~but it is not clear if they did.
Children Not Allowed to Play While Muslims Pray
It is not necessary to invade other peoples territory to drop and pray~Muslims can arrange their prayer times at home. They to not because this is Islam's way of moving towards forcing their ways and traditions on the rest of the free world. While they say you don't have to convert (ha!) they do make you subservient and taking over playgrounds and city streets is one way of doing this.
I am all for people having the right to pray and worship as they wish. The problem is when people show absolutely no regard for the rules and laws of the land "they chose to come to". When they try to impose their will, blocking streets or taking over buildings and playgrounds~forcing the majority population to stand back and "wait till they finish"~it becomes oppressive~and the free world must not succumb.
This is not Mecca, or the streets of Paris or London~this is Moscow people...And yes, we know that it is the end of Ramadan, but we also know that this is their way of showing power, by closing down and taking over streets, and not allowing any non-Muslims to pass.
Bob Hope sang Thanks for the Memories, and "palestinian" Terrorists are singing Thanks for the donations. Europe and the west pump billions into the PA, but It seems Norway is particularly generous.
Not only does the Norwegian government have high ranking officials that sympathize with Hamas, it’s also sending aid money to the Palestinian Authority that goes directly to the pockets of convicted terrorists sitting in Israeli jails...but only to those who do real terror, like killing Jews~apparently there are no payments for petty theft.
The family pictured above was killed by such scum, and he now receives Kr 6,000 per month ($1,111) as a salary, while his family receives additional social benefits~and, as he approaches his 10th year in Israeli jail, they will receive a "pay raise" of 50%. Do go to Tundra Tabloids and read the full story. And Don't tell me the PA wants peace!
As the sun sets in the west, the world continues to insist that Israel is "occupying" Gaza and the people are starving~but wait, yet another luxury hotel has just opened~oh, the horror...
This rally was shameful for many reasons, but because it was held in Canada~in Queens Park, it is particularly disgusting. There are excellent details, including the names of the people and organizations who participated in this orgy of hate at Kaffir Kanuck blogsite.
This Iranian inspired rally, flying Hezbollah flags and pictures of Ayatollah Khomeini, amid shouts of Alla hu Akbar, call the Jewish people "a cancer cell" and claim that it is the Jews who are responsible for all the ills of the world. There were also a notable amount of children there, learning hate first hand. This is how Islam grooms suicide bombers--from the cradle.
The United Church was represented as well as the President of the Ontario Federation of Labour. Of particular (laughable) distinction would be the group "Queers Against Israeli Apartheid". Somone needs to advise them that if they were to step foot into the countries they are "flying flags for" they would be hung, in the street, in public.
Meanwhile, the Canadian Government, Ontario, and Toronto remained Silent!
The lies spouted as well as the hateful libels are beyond description. Shame, shame, shame on them all...
Only three... there are a lot more, but let's start with these. If we can get through them...we can get through everything else and truly become a Utopian society.
It has been 1,890 days (more than five years) since he has received even the tiniest communication or sign from his family~and it has been more than two years since his family has received any sign of life from Gilad.
Just ten days ago, the supporters of Gilad Shalit staged a peaceful Hi-jacking of a bus of Gazans returning from a visit to Hamas prisoners in Israel jail.
Trucks of Goods Crossing into Gaza
Standing at the border crossing one sees the trucks arriving from within Israel to provide the citizens of Gaza with food and basic commodities, children's games and electrical goods and more. On this day there were truck loads of cement as well.
Gilad Shalit does not enjoy even the basic conditions demanded for any captive, in accordance with the Geneva Convention. He receives no visits, letters and no contact whatsoever with the outside world.
Hamas Prisoners in Israeli Jail
Gilad Shalit is held captive in inhuman conditions, while his family lives without any knowledge of his physical or emotional state. In stark contrast the State of Israel allows Palestinian/Hamas prisoners to receive visitors, letters, study for degrees and many other benefits. The picture to the left was posted from an Israeli jail by Hamas terror prisoners~to Facebook!. Need we say more?
The purpose of this protest is to ask for reciprocation between the treatment of Gilad Shalit and that enjoyed by Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails.
*It Should be Noted: Gilad Shalit was kidnapped by terrorists who infiltrated into Israel, killed two soldiers and wounded four others. Gilad was Not a criminal, whereas the prisoners held in Israeli jails have been convicted of terror attacks and murder of Israeli citizens.
Statement to the Citizens of Gaza:(Hebrew and English follow the video) As citizens of Israel we strive to live in peace with you. Even at this time when the region is far from quiet, we are hopeful that, one day, peace will arrive and we will be able to live side by side with you, as good neighbors, in mutual respect that will lead to mutual prosperity in our region.
We call on you, the residents of Gaza, to do the right, and human thing, and to work to correct this terrible injustice and to help return Gilad Shalit to his parents.
In July we posted an article about a Toronto school cafeteria being used for Muslim prayers. It turns out that one of the backers of the "mosqueteria", the North American Muslim Foundation is getting a grant~from Canadian taxpayers. The problem is, this is an extremist group that promotes hate preachers and excuses terror attacks. I know that grants can be a huge black hole of waste, but in this case one has to examine the facts and ask the politicians, What Were You Thinking?