Jerusaldm Vistas / IsraelVision

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Monday, July 30, 2018

PM Netanyahu's Message to Every Mother and Father

We Face This Daily In Israel~What Would You Do If This Was Your Child's School?

Text of Video:
This is a message to every parent, to every mother and to every father: 

The other day, Israeli preschoolers were playing in their yard. Out of nowhere, an innocent looking balloon descended upon them. Yet this was no ordinary balloon. Palestinian terrorists attached burning flames to it. 

They turned a child's toy into a weapon of terror. “We smelled a fire,” one preschooler shouted, standing between a sand pit and a red slide. And these beautiful children were nearly burned alive. Their brave teacher led the terrified children to safety just in time. Thankfully, their precious lives were spared. 

Now think about this. What does it say about the terrorists that run Gaza that they try to burn Israeli preschoolers alive? 

And so when you drop your son or daughter off at school today, I want you to hug them. Hug them especially tight. Tell them you love them. Tell them you'll always protect them. Then call up another mother or father and tell them this story.
This is What Israel Defends Itself Against Every Single Day.

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Israel Did Assist In The Rescue of White Helmet Volunteers

Picture Captured from the Video Below
There have been varying reports, many saying nothing about Israel's assistance in the covert evacuation that took place over the weekend.

In fact, Israel did assist in transporting approximately ninety-eight Syrian White Helmet Volunteers along with three hundred-twenty-four of their family members to a safe location in Jordan. 

The four hundred twenty-two refugees will be resettled in Canada, Germany, the UK and several other countries who have agreed to take them in and assist in re-homing them and starting them off in their new life.

The secret operation was carried out in the middle of the night. The Syrian refugees, whose lives were under threat of death, were met at different locations, and brought across the border into Israel. Once they were all accounted for they were taken to buses and then escorted safely to Jordon.

One report stated that a pregnant woman went into labor. When they feared she would not be able to make it, an emergency Cesarean Section was performed on the Syrian side of the border resulting in the delivery a baby boy. The mother and son were then both transported to Israel. 
"Standing on the border and receiving the families, mostly women and children, was an emotional experience,” said the commander in charge of Operation Good Neighbor. “Families that arrived were fearful, but when they reached the border with Israel, their eyes were filled with tears of happiness, knowing that they have gotten their lives back. I'm proud to be an officer in an army and a country that carries out an operation filled with values of humanity and compassion...This is the essence of our work, and this moment is invaluable."  

Israel is a very tiny country, but, Her Heart is Huge. We pray for Israel and the men and women of the IDF who devote their lives to their mission of protecting and assisting all people while defending our borders.

Israel Assists With Humanitarian Evacuation of White Helmet Volunteers and Their Families

Thursday, July 19, 2018

Jerusalem Vistas Online Learning Centre Project

Dear Friends and Partners

Last week I made some long distance phone calls to our friends and partners in Canada and the USA, HOPING to raise support.  We did have fellowship, I prayed for each one~But~I was shocked and saddened at how many were in health crisis and in desperate need of prayer for their physical conditions. What is happening to our army of helpers?

Many of our long term prayer partners were nearly incapacitated. This made me realize two things. First that we must keep up our morning prayer watch for these sickly saints to be made well. Second, we must reach and inspire the younger generation to partner in our faith based media work.

For forty-nine years, Meridel, myself, our sons and co-workers have done our very best to publish the "Good News" from Zion to a worldwide audience.

Yes, we have regularly changed our format from 16mm film to various video standards to now "digital" materials on the Internet.   We must make these changes to keep current. Thank God we still have the same message.

Our sons are busy creating programming for the younger generation. Its time! 

Each program will feature GEMS of Biblical truth in the back ground of the folly of 'fake news'.  We will separate the facts from the fantasy. You can make it possible for our team to film on location in ISRAEL and GREECE.  These topical, snappy and easy to digest portions are for the internet and social media that aim to educate and inspire!

YOU CAN BE a part of this new venture!  What topics would you like us to highlight? You can help to sponsor us~see below for how you can join. Summer is brutally hot here in the Middle East and the crops could not survive without the dew. Likewise, we need daily, weekly, and monthly "dew" support to keep our studio up and running in this "dry season".

The budget for this project is $50,000. We have just received a $5,000 gift toward it. Praise God!

Please take a few minutes right now to send your gift and become a JVOLC Sponsor! We Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.  Together we can move forward!

For out of Zion shall go forth the Teaching (Torah)
and the Word of the Lord from Jerusalem...Isaiah 2:3b  

Thank You, In His love, Jay and Meridel and sons 

Here's How You can become a Jerusalem Vistas Online Learning Centre~JVOLC Sponsor.
1) Safely donate via PayPal using the Donate button on
   *PayPal accepts all major credit cards

2) Send a cheque (or post-dated cheques--many people choose to send 6 or12 at a time)
     * Please make all Cheques Payable To:  Jerusalem Vistas
     * Our Mailing address is at the bottom of this message

3) Authorize us to debit your Credit Card either for a single gift or monthly. To do this we would need the following information:
    - Your name as it appears on the card
    - The card number (16 digits)
    - The card expiry date (mm/yy)
    * The amount to be deducted & number of times (eg. One Time Only or a specified period)
    *You may send the information to this email address ( ) with a statement  authorized us to make the transaction; or if you prefer, send via post

We send you the original Credit Card Transaction slip with a tax receipt. All information is confidential and only used as per your directions.
Our Postal Address is:
               Jerusalem Vistas
               PO Box 40101
               Mevasseret Zion, 9080500, Israel

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Harvest in Mid-July!

We have had great weather in Israel this year. From well-needed rain coming at unexpected times to the glorious sun that we almost always have above us. This not only makes life pleasant, but it causes fruits, vegetables and all plant life to grow and thrive.

Jay and Meridel have always planted, and planted some more, in their small garden. They utilize the borders around the yard, and every little corner that a spade of earth can occupy.

The varieties of things that sprout and grow is amazing. Apart from beautiful flowers and trees one can find bushes of herbal tea to olives, pomegranates and clementines~there is always something to find and enjoy.

This week the grapes along the arbor and around the fence are more than ready to be harvested. The birds have already noticed and begun their own picking. Early in the morning, Jay and Meridel pulled out the ladders and clippers to began bringing in the luscious clusters of sweet, beautiful grapes to munch on and make into juice.

Enjoying the fruits of one's labours is very satisfying. When the "harvest" takes place in the early morning, when the dew is barely dry, the air fresh and cool, it adds to the overall joy of the event. A time of laughter and joy and fellowship!

...Here it is!

The first glass of freshly pressed grape juice!

Pure, Natural Goodness from God's Own Land!